About SpiritHorse at Eagles Rest Ranch
SpiritHorse at Eagles Rest Ranch in Flintstone, Ga., sits on 400 acres in the foothills of Lookout Mountain, nestled behind a quiet residential community. As a certified SpiritHorse International facility, our therapies are based on a specialized curriculum that has been researched, developed, and proven by SpiritHorse founder Charles Fletcher of Corinth, Texas.
Our staff and volunteers have all received specialized training to skillfully work with children and adults with varying degrees of abilities and disabilities. The horses are selected for their gentle spirit and worked with in regards to their reactions to unexpected noises and behaviors that come with the territory of working with emotionally or physically challenged riders.
Our motto is, "First Words, First Steps," with the hope that every rider will be positively impacted by our therapies and reach a developmental milestone, no matter how big or small.
The team at SpiritHorse believes mental and emotional improvements help pave the way for physical improvements.
"Our goal is to help each individual reach their highest potential through interaction with horses, and the emotional aspect of this is amazing," says Ginger Brown, Director of SpiritHorse at Eagles Rest Ranch.
Our programs help develop self-esteem, coupled with a curriculum built to improve cognitive and physical development. This curriculum is based on research that shows how the movement of the horse in circles and other specific patterns releases chemicals in the rider's brain that can help neurotransmitters reconnect— often resulting in improved balance, first words, or full sentences spoken by the rider.
Our animals and riders typically bond quickly, improving the rider's social and verbal skills on and off the ranch.
In the fall of 2009 Eagles Rest Ranch served as the host for Catoosa County Schools' Equestrian Special Olympics Training and Horseshow. The work inspired Ginger to seek a program built for helping children and adults with special needs.
Ginger and two others interested in horse therapy, Jeremiah Moore and Joy Giles, traveled to Corinth, Texas to train and test with SpiritHorse International. They embraced the philosophy and curriculum centered around equine-assisted health and therapy. Fully licensed, and with quality control provided by SpiritHorse International (the leader in the therapeutic riding industry), SpiritHorse at Eagles Rest Ranch was established as a place of healing and hope in 2010.
Connect with Us!
To learn more about SpiritHorse's therapies and environment, click through the website. Also, visit us on Facebook for photos and event information.

Upcoming Events
8/28 Veterans R & R at the Ranch
2:00-5:00 pm
9/6-10/25 Equestrian Special Olympics
9/8 United Way 'Day of Caring'
9/17 VVA 203 Event
9/18 Boehm Birth Defect Center Event
10/29 9th Annual Special Olympics
10/30 Veterans' Children’s Day
11/5 Possible Date for Belk
Charity Sale
11/8 Fall Therapeutic Riding
Session begins
TBA SpiritHorse Riders
Christmas Party
12/10 Wreaths Across America;
place wreaths at cemetery
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to our SpiritHorse Famly!