Therapeutic Riding and Equine Assisted Learning

Riding Benefits
Physical Health
Emotional Growth
Social Interaction
Educational Improvement
EAL Benefits
Unique Method of Learning
Inspire Confidence/Build Self-Esteem
Teambuilding & Leadership Skills
Help Veterans with Reintegration
Our Story
Inspired by a love for children, individuals with special needs, veterans, animals, and nature, SpiritHorse at Freedom Ranch was established in 2010 by Ginger Brown and a team of interested individuals. Our mission statement is, “To Assist Each Individual in Reaching Their Full Potential through Interaction with Horses."
SpiritHorse at Freedom Ranch—one of more than 80 centers worldwide with award-winning, licensed SpiritHorse programs—is a 501(c)3 nonprofit with certified instructors through SpiritHorse International, Corinth, Texas and O.K. Corral Series in Equine Assisted Learning (EAL).
Therapeutic Riding and Equine Assisted Learning (EAL) activities are year-round programs for individuals with mental and physical developmental disabilities, autism, spinal cord and brain injuries, social and emotional disorders, at-risk youth and Veterans with PTSD. The program also provides support for participants' families.
To schedule your lessons or learn more about our lesson programs, call Ginger Brown: 423-421-3205

"My daughter, Amber, lives with mental retardation and a heart condition. When she began training sessions at SpiritHorse she had never been physically close to any animal larger than a medium-sized canine. The personnel were very approachable and friendly and they took the time to talk to Amber and her family members so that they could understand her. The
two things that are most important to the staff at SpiritHorse are the children and the animals—and they take very good care of all. Amber learned not only how to ride a horse but also what it meant to take care of them, from the grooming and the feeding and anything else she showed any interest toward. They were patient with her and they grew to love Amber as much as I do. I am thankful that my daughter got to spend so much time in such a wonderful environment with so many interesting and loving souls. Every mention of the Ranch brings a smile to her face and she eagerly anticipates returning and I will take her for as long as they'll allow me to. It's a magical place."
- S.L. Minton
"My sons, Gabe and Joey (both on the spectrum) love coming for their weekly lessons. I have watched them both become more confident teenagers. Before beginning lessons neither had ever been involved in an extracurricular activity. Gabe was weary at first but has since grown comfortable and looks forward to his weekly lessons. He is also so proud of himself. He enjoys telling new faces and family that he rides horses. Joey has also become quite a cowboy. In fact, he has said he wants "to live at the ranch" and that when he grows up he wants to "be a cowboy". My husband and I are so proud of our boys and so thankful that we heard about the services offered at SpiritHorse. Thank you."
- Christy